An Encyclopaedia on Chinese History and Literature

(Qinding) Xiqing yanshuo (欽定)西清硯譜

Mar 18, 2024 © Ulrich Theobald

(Qinding) Xiqing yanpu (欽定)西清硯譜 is a book on ink-stones compiled on imperial order under the supervision of Yu Minzhong 于敏中 (1714-1779) and Liang Guozhi 梁國治 (1723-1786). The illustrations were created by Men Yingzhao 門應兆 (fl. 1787).

Figure 1. Han-period ink-stone of ceramic
Ceramic ink-stone found in the Eastern Hall (Dongge 東閣) of the Weiyang Palace 未央宮 of the Han dynasty 漢 (206 BCE-220 CE). Upper side to the right, lower side in the middle, and a transcription of the original inscription on the left side. The original Siku quanshu 四庫全書 edition reproduced the ink-stone with a scale of 6:10.
Figure 2. Ink-stone once owned by Zhu Yizun 朱彝尊
The shape is said to imitate the traditional well-field system, upper side to the right, and the bottom side on the left. The reproduction scale in the original book is 8:10.

The book has a length of of 25 juan. The first part (juan 1-6) is dedicated to ceramic ink-stones from the Han to the Ming period 明 (1368-1644). The next section (juan 7-21) includes ink-stones made of various stone materials, the oldest dating from the Jin period 晉 (265-420), while the youngest one had been owned by Zhu Yizun 朱彝尊 (1629-1709). The last two fascicles are a kind of supplement.

The book is thus an ideal overview of the history of ink-stones and shows materials and shapes through the ages. Each illustration is described like in an exhibition catalogue, and inscriptions , imprints and dedications are reproduced, as is the history of the item – as far as known.

The book is included in the imperial series Siku quanshu.

Li Xueqin 李學勤, Lü Wenyu 呂文郁, ed. (1996). Siku da cidian 四庫大辭典 (Changchun: Jilin daxue chubanshe), Vol. 2, 1853.
Lin Huan 林歡 (2022). "Gugong Bowuyuan cun Xiqing yanpu zhulu yan 故宮博物院存《西清硯譜》著錄硯", Wenwu tiandi 文物天地, 2022 (7): 10-21.
Liu Yunfeng 劉運峰 (2017). "Xiqing yanpu shulüe 《西清硯譜》述略", Zhongguo chuban shi yanjiu 中國出版史研究, 2017 (1): 62-68.
Luo Yang 羅揚 (2006). "Xiqing yanpu yu songhuashi yan 西清硯譜與松花石硯", Shoucangjia 收藏家, 2006 (12): 19-22.
Zhang Weixiao 張惟笑 (2023). "Yi wo guan shi yu yi shi guan wo: Xiqing yanpu suo shou Ming-Qing guyan wuxing yanjiu “以我觀石”與“以石觀我”——《西清硯譜》所收明清古硯“物形”研究", Dongfang choucang 東方收藏, 2023 (5): 18-20.
Zhao Wenhui 趙文慧 (2017). "Yanming zhi mei yu Songdai wenren quwei: Quzhou Bowuguan cang Xiqing yanpu zhi Song yan 硯名之美與宋代文人趣味——衢州博物館藏《西清硯譜》之宋硯", Dazhong wenyi 大眾文藝, 2017 (1): 138-139.