An Encyclopaedia on Chinese History and Literature

Baiju jipu 百菊集譜

Feb 28, 2022 © Ulrich Theobald

Baiju jipu 百菊集譜 "Collected notes on the hundred types of chrysanthemums" is a book on the cultivation of chrysanthemums written during the Southern Song period 南宋 (1127-1279) by Shi Zhu 史鑄 (fl. 1242), courtesy name Yanfu 顏甫, style Yuzhai 愚齋, from Shanyin 山陰 (today's Shaoxing 紹興, Zhejiang).

The book consists of two parts, namely the main text with a length of 6 juan, and the appendix Jushi buyi 菊史補遺. The original text was finished in 1242 and revised in 1246, after the author had consulted Hu Rong's 胡融 book Tuxing jupu 圖形菊譜.

The book in its transmitted shape begins with a listing of 131 (app. 32) different types or cultivars of chrysanthemums, however, there are some cases in which the same kind is listed with different names. The first two fascicles consist of books of their own, written by Zhou Shihou 周師厚 (1031-1087, part of Luoyang huamu ji 洛陽花木記), Liu Meng 劉蒙 (Liushi jupu 劉氏菊譜), Shi Zhengzhi 史正志 (1119-1179, Shishi jupu 史氏菊譜), Fan Chengda 范成大 (1126-1193, Fancun jupu 范村菊譜; all ch. 1), as well as Shen Jing 沈競 (Jumingpian 菊名篇) and Shi Zhu himself (ch. 2). Chapter 3 quotes from different sources on the cultivation and propagation of the flowers, and thus presents many practical aspects found in older literature. The fourth chapter quotes from poems and rhapsodies on chrysanthemums. The text of Hu Rong's illustrated book is the core part of the 5th fascicle. The last part consists of poems written by Shi Zhu himself and of quotations from Tang- 唐 (618-907) and Song-period 宋 (960-1279) lyrics.

Even if scholarly reliable, the book is not arranged in a coherent manner. It was circulating in printed and manuscript versions, and is included in the imperial series Siku quanshu 四庫全書.

Li Xueqin 李學勤, Lü Wenyu 呂文郁, eds. (1996). Siku da cidian 四庫大辭典 (Changchun: Jilin daxue chubanshe), Vol. 2, 1865.
Nongye da cidian bianji weiyuanhui 《農業大詞典》編輯委員會, ed. (1998). Nongye da cidian 農業大詞典 (Beijing: Zhongguo nongye chubanshe), 32.
Wang Wei 王微 (2014). "Zhongguo juhua shi shang ji da cheng zhi zuo Baiju jipu shuping 中國菊花史上集大成之作《百菊集譜》述評”, Nongye kaogu 農業考古, 2014 (4): 292-296.
Wang Yuhu 王毓瑚, ed. (1964). Zhongguo nongxue shulu 中國農學書錄 (Beijing: Nongye chubanshe), 98.
Wang Zheng 王微 (2014). "Zhongguo juhua shi shang ji da cheng zuo zuo Baiju jipu shuping 中國菊花史上集大成之作《百菊集譜》述評", Nongye kaogu 農業考古, 2014 (4): 292-296.
Wu Feng 吳楓, ed. (1987). Jianming Zhongguo guji cidian 簡明中國古籍辭典 (Changchun: Jilin wenshi chubanshe), 314.
Yang Baolin 楊寶霖 (1995). "Baiju jipu 百菊集譜", in Zhongguo nongye baike quanshu 中國農業百科全書, Vol. Nongye lishi 農業歷史卷 (Beiijing: Nongye chubanshe), 5.
Zhang Fuqing 張福清 (2013). "Nansong Shi Zhu Baiju jipu jiyi de wenxian jiazhi 南宋史鑄《百菊集譜》輯佚的文獻價值", Guji zhengli yanjiu xuekan 古籍整理研究學刊, 2013 (1): 64-66.